
In the “Newsroom” portion of SEAACA’s website, articles and information relevant to animal control and SEAACA will be posted periodically providing information for the community.

Enjoy the Newsroom!

Pets2Love: Macy

Macy is a 4-month-old female terrier mix. She weighs 9 pounds and has black and tan fur.

County Animal Care, Control Shelters More Than 180 Animals Amid LA Fires

LONG BEACH, Calif. — The Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control (DACC) continues to rescue animals and provide safe sheltering for animals as a result of the active fires that have affected thousands of Los Angeles County residents.

Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA, Southeast Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA) Officers and The Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control Equine Response Team (LACDACCERT) volunteers all provided operational support to DACC.

DACC is currently sheltering 184 animals including dogs and cats, horses, llamas, donkeys, and other large animals. Many of these animals are located at Pierce College which is at capacity and not accepting additional animals at this time. Owners are being directed to the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds for large animal sheltering.

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The Ultimate Guide to Financial Aid for Pets

When it comes to our pets, they’re more than just animals – they are members of our family. As such, many pet owners would do anything to ensure their pets live long, healthy lives. This would include paying thousand annually on everything from routine wellness care to everyday supplies like food. According to Forbes, people who own large dogs spend at least $1,570 a year which, for an average lifespan of 12 years, could come to over $18,000. And that doesn’t include factoring in expensive emergency medical costs.

Those are scary numbers to consider, and it’s easy to see why so many pet owners find themselves in financial predicaments when it comes to caring for their pets. The good news is, there are hundreds of pet financial aid organizations all over the country that can help.

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First Ever Senior Dog Adoption Event Being Held In Los Angeles

Southern California residents, mark your calendars for November 4 – the date of the first ever senior dog adoption event being held in Los Angeles. The adoption event, which is being held at the Cheviot Hills Recreation Center, will feature only senior dogs (age 7 and up) from 16 animal shelters in the area.

Read More at or view on the SEAACA Calendar:

Senior Adioption