Looking for a Lost Pet?
You've come to the right place.
SEAACA , along with several shelters in the Greater Los Angeles Area have partnered with Petco Love Lost to help reunite lost pets with their owners.
SEAACA has a long standing commitment to reuniting lost animals with their owners and encouraging the public to visit our Animal Care Center to adopt a new member for their family.
To assist owners in locating their lost pets and to provide information to prospective adopters, SEAACA photographs pets as they enter our care center.
If you believe you have located your animal on our website, please give us a call so we can schedule an appointment. Providing vaccination history, photos, and documents will expedite the claim process during your appointment. Please have those items readily available.
- Utilize lost.petcolove.org to look for your lost or share a found pet using patented image-recognition technology.
- Alert your pet’s microchip provider that the animal is missing. Ensure all of the contact information is up to date and accurate.
- If you have the found pet's microchip number, you can use tools such as AAHA Universal Microchip Lookup to search for possible owner information.
- Utilize social media lost & found community groups often titled , “Lost and Found Pets of (city/county name)”. Additionally, post and view the information, photos and flyers of the lost/found animals within those groups.
- Post and regularly check on neighborhood communication apps.
- Post your lost pet on PawBoost for free. PawBoost is like an AMBER Alert for lost & found pets. Thousands of pets are added to PawBoost's lost & found pets database every day.
- If you found a pet in SEAACA's service area, download and print the sign from this page and post it where it can be visible to those looking for their lost pet.

Lost/Found Pet Resources:

