Microchipping is one of the important elements of pet reunification. While microchips have incredible potential for getting lost pets home, the chip itself is only one component in a complex system involving licensing, microchips, scanners, and registries. Nationally, millions of dogs are lost each year. It is important your dog has identification at all times. Collars and licenses are essential and required by law. Technology has made it possible for you to give your pet an additional permanent identification. They can also assist where the ownership of an animal is in dispute.
Microchipping is standard at SEAACA. We ensure all adopted animals receive a microchip and provide the service as part of the adoption package.
- A microchip is a small device about the size of a grain of rice implanted beneath your pet's skin. It contains a unique number used to identify the animal. This number links to your contact information in an online registry allowing shelters, clinics, veterinarians, and humane organizations to contact you if your lost pet is found. The microchip itself does not store your contact information.
- A microchip is not a GPS or tracking device. You cannot get information regarding a lost pet's location directly from the microchip. It is only when your lost pet is found, scanned, and searched in an online registry that someone will be able to contact you. This is why it is critical to keep your contact information current in an online microchip registry.
- After your pet is micro-chipped, it is essential to register and to keep the registration information up to date.
Register your pet's microchip pet with Found Animals Microchip Registry for FREE! All microchip brands/types accepted. Click Here to Register a Microchip.
There is a universal "Pet Look-up" at AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup.
Click here to view SEAACA's vaccination and microchip pricing.