Looking for a Lost Pet?


Every day SEAACA rescues animals. If you have lost your pet or want to adopt, these are the pets in our Care Center...

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Licensing Program

New licensing program with DocuPet

A license is your dog’s call home-it is not only a good idea, it’s the law. Click below for more information...

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Cats In My Community?
I Found Kittens, What Do I Do?

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Adoptions and Animal Claims

available by appointment.

Animal interactions are not offered at this time.

Interested in adopting an animal not yet “available”? Here's how you can add a new member to your family. When animals are brought to the SEAACA Animal Care Center, they are held for a specific number of days to allow owners to reunite with their lost pets. Throughout the holding period time, interested residents or SEAACA Adoption Partners (refer to Adoption Partner page for information and application) may place an "adoption hold" on the animal as a potential adopter. If the owner does not claim their pet, there is an opportunity for the public to adopt that animal into their family. Place adoption holds over the phone by calling 562-803-3301 Tuesday –  Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.